When one character has been pining over the other for seasons, sometimes it's fun to see the tables turn.
Jealousy may not always be the best emotion, but it can make you feel a bit smug to see one half of your ship finally come to their senses and realize what they're missing out on.
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We've created a slideshow below of 13 times a character's jealousy was satisfying!
1. Archie's jealousy over Betty - Riverdale

Riverdale still hasn't actually done anything with the childhood best friends, but it's impossible to miss the longing stares Archie will throw Betty's way when she's with Jughead. Somehow, it makes us ship them even more.
2. Chloe's jealousy over Lucifer - Lucifer

Chloe was not amused by Lucifer's relationship with Ella. But we have to be thankful for Chloe's jealousy because it finally helped her come to terms with how she felt.
3. Sheldon's jealousy over Amy - The Big Bang Theory

Sheldon always claims not to feel things, so when he actually does it's extremely satisfying. When Amy was spending too much time with Howard in her lab, the green-eyed monster made an appearance.
4. Jess' jealousy over Nick - New Girl

Nick was the one pining for Jess for the first few seasons, so it felt fair to have some pining on her end in the later seasons of the show. Granted, it turned out to be pretty painful as it went on for much longer than expected.
5. Pam's jealousy over Jim - The Office

Jim was desperately in love with Pam for two seasons, and he was also forced to watch her plan her wedding with her fiance, who also happened to be a jerk. But when Jim entered a serious relationship with Karen, Pam understood what it was like to be in his shoes.
6. Amy's jealousy over Jonah - Superstore

Jonah was crushing on Amy ever since his first day at Cloud 9, but she was married at the time. Therefore, we couldn't help but be a little excited when the tables finally turned.