1. Brandon Foster - The Fosters
Brandon loved Callie from the very beginning and he even said as much. However, they had a very unique situation once Callie was adopted into his family. This moment showed that Brandon did still love her, and he wasn't quite ready to let her go.
2. Commander Lexa - The 100
While she stopped herself mid-sentence, it was obvious from this moment that Lexa was in love with Clarke. Even though we never got to hear an actual "I love you," from Lexa, anyone with eyes could see how she felt about the leader of the Sky People.
3. Lydia Martin - Teen Wolf
Before being taken by the ghost riders, Stiles used his last words to tell Lydia he loved her. When they finally reunite, she doesn't even have to say it back because Stiles already knows.
4. Casey Gardner - Atypical
While these two aren't together yet, it's pretty obvious that Izzie and Casey have feelings for each other. This incredibly sweet moment made us realize that the love they feel for each other is a little more than friendship.
5. Andy Dwyer - Parks and Recreation
Andy is a light-hearted type of guy who expresses his love in some very interesting ways. When April says "I love you," to him for the first time, he says it back simply by saying "awesome-sauce."
6. Oliver Queen - Arrow
This one may be cheating, but he doesn't actually tell her "I love you," so it counts right? Olicity is just too good not to include.
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