This was, hands down, the best episode of the season so far.
On Teen Wolf Season 6 Episode 5, Stiles and Peter were forced to team up, which was pretty entertaining.
They make such a delightfully strange pair, and I was actually glad that Peter was on my TV screen. He was enjoyable.
Aside from the fun partnership, one of the best things about this hour was the pacing. Nothing was rushed.
We got to watch Stiles and Peter slowly figure out what was going on.
Not only that, but their scenes made up the majority of the episode. Their storyline was really allowed to develop, which was fantastic.
There weren't too many scenes in Beacon Hills, and Liam's mission to catch a Ghost Rider did not come up at all.
I'm not saying I'm not interested in that storyline because I definitely am, but I'm glad it did not appear in this episode.
All it would have done is take time away from Stiles and Peter in the train station, which would have been a shame.
Stiles: Can you remember how you got out? Did they discharge you?
Peter: No the power went out, and I ran like hell.
Stiles: That's it? You just ran?
Peter: Yes. That's it. I literally just ran from the insane asylum that was holding me hostage.
It is always more entertaining to be able to watch people put their heads together and do some problem solving rather than just being told the outcome.
Stiles' detective work has been missed, and so it was great to see him back in action.
While we know Stiles is brilliant, it was actually great to see that someone else had tried all the doors before.
The Wild Hunt has been going on a while, and so it would have been really sad if Stiles was the first one to question his surroundings.
Even though the random guy doesn't really get a name or anything, the fact that he existed and did find a way out was awesome.
Plus, we got a really funny scene where Peter startles the guy and Stiles.
One of the issues with the Ghost Riders involves the fact that they erase people's minds.
In previous episodes, the question has been how long it takes people to forget someone who has been taken.
Now the question involves how people remember those who were taken or even just their own memories in general.
For instance, Peter seems to remember how he got to the train station because Stiles reminded him.
It was like the mention of Eichen House brought back everything for Peter.
Malia and Scott remembered Peter by looking in his eyes, I think.
I'm still a little fuzzy on what the exact trigger was, but Malia remembered Peter before Scott, and it seemed to be because she made eye contact with him first.
I've lost a lot of people in my life. It's a long list, and I don't feel like adding to it.
Lydia and Scott remembering Stiles seemed to be a combination of the jeep turning on and hearing Stiles' voice.
There's not one trigger that is exactly the same, so maybe the answer is that it just varies from person to person.
It's a shitty answer, but it's the best I can do.
Hopefully as the pack continues to investigate the Ghost Riders, we will get some answers, but knowing Teen Wolf, the unanswered questions and ambiguity may just have to be something that we live with.
What's your theory on what triggers people's memories to return?
What did you think of the episode and Stiles' return? Also, what high school student carries that much cash with them to class?
Leave your thoughts in a comment below!
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