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Teen Wolf Season 5 Episode 17 Review: A Credible Threat


Is Parrish dead or alive?

On Teen Wolf Season 5 Episode 17, Argent and Gerald devised a way to have Lydia talk to the Hellhound. It was great to finally have a chat with the guy, except it brought on a lot of questions.

He said that Parrish was dead – specifically he died in Afghanistan, so ever since Parrish appeared in Beacon Hills, he's been dead.

Okay, that part sucks, but I can understand that, maybe. The part that trips me up is that Parrish comes back when Lydia asks the Hellhound to remember the moment Parrish died. Please bear with me while I try to make sense of it all.

Maybe the Hellhound is the only thing keeping Parrish alive. Obviously Parrish is alive because it's not like the Hellhound can fake Parrish's personality and memories. The Hellhound could be saying that if he left (not sure if the Hellhound could even do this), Parrish would die. Does that make sense?

The other option is that the Hellhound just views everyone as dead because like he said, he is infinite. Honestly, who knows, really? This is Teen Wolf we are talking about here. There are some things that you just have to accept. 

Time for the next Parrish/Hellhound related question! Parrish now remembers that he is the Hellhound, I think. How does Parrish remembering the Hellhound reveal what the next step in defeating the Beast is?

If the Hellhound knew, wouldn't he have just done whatever that next step is? Does the Hellhound just not have the energy or power to be the Hellhound full time, even though Parrish has been "dead?"

So, it wasn't until the Hellhound and Parrish remembered each other that the Hellhound could do whatever he needs to defeat the Beast?

My brain hurts. I think I'm also more confused now than when I started writing this review.

It happens every night. I don't know when, and I don't know what triggers it, but at some point every night, I leave. When I come back, I find burned clothes and blood. If I didn't know certain things, I'd call it sleepwalking. But I'm not just wandering out the door. I'm heading out with purpose. I'm searching for something. That's why I need you to follow me. I need to know where I'm going, and what I'm doing. If people are getting hurt because of me, if I'm adding to the body count, I have to know. When I wake up at night, when it takes over, I want you to follow me. If you have to, I want you to stop me.


It was nice to have a talk with the Hellhound though. He clearly was the missing link to the puzzle. Of course, we are left with more questions, but isn't it the thought that counts? Plus, it was awesome to see Lydia go toe to toe with the Hellhound. "You're not the only harbinger of death, bitch" is basically what she said.

Speaking of Lydia, it was so great to see her out and about again. Not going to lie, she looked a little weird wearing normal clothes. I'm just not used to it. 

I wish there was a reference or two to Lydia being in Eichen or at least a time frame as to how long it's been since we broke her out. Lydia seemed completely back to normal, and if I was her, it would have taken me at the very least two weeks to return to that state. I would be having Eichen nightmares for months. 

Finstock, I love you. It was so great to see him again. He really lightened up the hour. I loved that what got him out of rehab was that Stiles and Scott wanted to forfeit the game. Finstock checked himself out of rehab just to make sure the game played on. We need more Finstock in our lives.

Finstock: I hate charity games. They're meaningless.
Stiles: Well, I don't think the charities would disagree.
Finstock: What's it for this year?
Scott: Cancer.
Finstock: For or against?
Stiles: Against, Coach, deeply against!

Those skin walkers are looking pretty good right about now, aren't they?

Kira's not good. She's gone all demon fox again, and while Scott got through to her, it took awhile. I'm so happy that Kira's condition didn't just magically go away. This is something that needs to be handled.

How? No idea, but it's doubtful that Scott or Deaton has a plan that Kira's own mother didn't think of or try first. Do you think there's any cure for Kira?

We did get some more answers on the Beast tonight. Basically, the Dread Doctors are forcing the Beast to shift every night to help speed up the memory retrieval process.

Eventually, the teenage chimera will disappear and the Man of Gévaudan will return. Does it make sense? No, but it's a little bit easier to understand than Parrish's situation.

It's nice to understand more of the Dread Doctor's end game. We knew what they wanted, but now we know how they plan to go about getting it. They are using their favorite tool. No, not torture – frequency. Mason, you are a genius for figuring this out! 

Anyone know where Theo went? I'm not saying I missed him and his shady hair, but it was weird that he wasn't there. Maybe he was off having a sass-off with Deucalion. Also, it looks like two members of his pack have joined the McCall pack. I'm sure he's not happy about that.

What did you think of "A Credible Threat"? Did Liam survive his attempt to fight the beast? I mean Parrish looked like hell (pun not intended) after going up against the Beast, and Liam's basically Scrappy Doo. I love you, bb, but I think the Beast can kick your ass without breaking a sweat.

Leave your thoughts and best explanation of the Parrish situation in a comment below. Remember, you can watch Teen Wolf online anytime via TV Fanatic.

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